Family Constellations
Family constellations is a Soul work model originated by Bert Hellinger that offers deep
and lasting effects. It is based on the Orders of Love and the idea that problems , issues,
and patterns in any area of our life may sift down through generations.
This can cause stress in our present life and relationships.
We explore these dynamics through group representation in the "field of knowing,"
to break out of patterns that cause confusion and suffering.
Did you know??
– Family constellations and Eastern philosophies share a non-dual view of reality, considering that
everything is interconnected and that members of a system are deeply interconnected.
– The principle of impermanence, central to Buddhist thought, is found in constellations which
allow what was blocked in a system to be set in motion again, opening new possibilities by letting go of the past.
– The practice of mindfulness, important in Eastern traditions, is present in constellations where emphasis
is placed on non-judgemental acceptance of emerging sensations, emotions and images, allowing
access to an expanded level of consciousness.
– The importance given to physical sensation in constellations echoes Eastern wisdom which considers
the body as a vehicle for spiritual experience. Authentic movements that emerge during
constellations often reveal hidden system dynamics.
– The concept of morphogenetic field in constellations resonates with Eastern concepts of “emptiness”
or “universal matrix”, this invisible space containing all potentialities. By connecting to it, you can access
ancestral memories and deep resources.
– By integrating these principles from Eastern wisdoms, constellations open a space for deep healing and reconciliation, inviting you to connect to something greater than yourself and to free yourself from limiting conditionings.
You are a shining beacon of hope for all those that lived , loved, and labored before you!
Some of the Benefits of Family Constellations
- Releasing the blockages that are holding you back
- Freeing you, your children and their offspring from generational burdens
- Increasing your empathy, love and compassion for yourself and others
- Developing the strength and wisdom to deal with death and loss in life
- Creating positive shifts in your relationships (parents, partner, children, colleagues, friends, etc.)
- Transforming your relationship with money, finances and abundance
- Aligning your mind, body and soul
- Developing inner peace with your past and who you are today
- Acquiring clarity in who you are and what you want in life
- Having the strength and drive to pursue your goals
- Opening yourself to life and feeling more energy and vitality
- Transforming your family story into a story of success
- Clearing the impact of trans-generational trauma in your life
Kind words from participants!
"I have been struck by a peace of spirit, a calm, quietude deep within. Many emotions and feelings that
I did not realize I was carrying so profoundly were released. I could let go of my sister's rape,
that I have carried with me since I was a teenager.
I knew I was "working through" intellectually what happened to her, but perhaps not emotionally.
And little did I know that her perpetrators were "part of the family" too--part of the burden
I was carrying on account of what they did to my sister.
So my being and field of light around me is unburdened, unencumbered.
I am slightly perplexed by all of this--quiet in my mind,
quiet in my body, quiet in my being. The field -- the emotions, the moving towards
healing before me as I internalized what I was seeing and hearing is powerful and transformative."
"I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I joined that weekend.
But,wow. Just wow. That was an amazing weekend. I am so grateful for that experience.
The family constellations therapy is amazing. So many great tools to walk away with after the weekend.
New perspectives. Awesomeness.
I accessed a lot of what I experienced at the retreat. The greatest revelation being that the animosity
that my mother had towards my step brother almost certainly had to do with my mother's experience
of her own mother's pregnancy of a boy that ended with a stillbirth. I don't think I'd have ever made
that connection if not for the retreat.
Eye contact. Wow. Saying things out loud. Wow. Talking to parts of myself. Wow.
I just didn't know how uncomfortable I was with these things or
how powerful they were until the retreat. Thank you!"
"Your constellation work defies rational explanations, but works at deep psychical levels, freeing the self
of pains and wounds that one has carried for sometimes what feels like a lifetime. How you guide
these sessions also surpasses logic, but what I witnessed and personally experienced as you led us through
two sessions was full of wisdom and beauty—and I’d say, was even miraculous! I remain grateful to you
and those I did family constellations with for the release and healing it brought."